Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things I May Have Learned

These past two weeks in scientific inquiry have been pretty insane. I wondered at times what the point was and was often quite happy when it was revealed. Standing in a line in a hallway while a girl acted out "The swift brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", and making paper footballs seemingly have no relationship to each other; add in the "sex salad bars antelope" words written on the board and connections to anything relevant seem pretty scarce. Somehow, it DID all make sense and come together for a common cause. My favorite activity was the cat's cradle and I feel that this exemplified everything we did. Communication is a key to knowledge. How we know what we know, and don't know, and how we don't know what we don't know, all comes from how we have taken information in, via communication from someone or something. This communication can either come in an easy way to process, or a difficult way, but nevertheless it is taken in and processed. cat's cradle required many different forms of communication in order to be clear. The directions must be shown as well as stated and physically done in most cases in order to understand what was going on. Simply watching the video did nothing if you did not participate. Perhaps words were not necessary in order to understand but in the case of my friends, showing someone a step was not always as helpful if it was not told to them and perhaps even done for them as well. These weeks have been about knowledge via communication. They have been highly enjoyable and enlightening in a way that was way too fun to actually be called class.

1 comment:

  1. Please feed my fish over there! ===>
    They will follow your cursor and if you click,
    it leaves fish food for them :D
