Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blood Type Diets

After a little googling, I found out that there are different types of suggested foods for different blood types. Though there are 4 blood types, (O, A, B, and AB) 
there are only 3 diets because the diet for AB is a mix between the diets for A and B. 

O blood types should eat lots of low-calorie foods, 
meat, exercise a lot and avoid dairy products, 
avocados, oranges, and brazil nuts.
Type A should avoid red meat, eat lots of fish and vegetables, 
and engage in little physical exercise and eat little dairy.
Type B should eat plenty of meat and dairy,fruit 
and vegetables and avoid chicken and bacon.

Though many people doubt the validity of these diets, 
I personally believe their truth. 
I am a Type O positive and my entire life I have had problems 
with large amounts of dairy although I am not lactose intolerant. 
Another thing I have had problems with is oranges. 
They said to avoid oranges because it creates an acidic condition in the body. 
This has proven to be very true in my life.

I'm honestly not positive how the blood type diets could relate 
to the discussion of mitochondrial eve. 
I guess it could relate because different peoples adapted 
to their surroundings and so did their blood types. 
A people that is not used to a certain food would not be biologically well adapted to it.

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